Saturday, September 6, 2014

who's a Crayon

would you say I'm the kind of crayon with the wrapper peeled off or the one that looks straight from the box?  Am I dandelion or magenta? would you scribble me hard until you rip the page, or would I be a crayon that is only pressed gently because you are afraid to color outside the lines?

would you feel comfortable using me to color in your house? or just your sidewalk?

do I look like a fine, artist's brush? or a piece of chalk found in the pile under the desk?

I would answer the same for you, but frankly you look nothing like a crayon to me.

look like

I've chosen not to label you
as any certain kind of crayon
you look like a person
to me.

If you consider yourself a certain color
I'm sorry
maybe I'll realize it soon
but today when I saw you
I saw a rainbow.

Maybe you're a fresh
but I didn't notice.
and maybe you've had your wrapper peeled off
in strips bit by bit
and you've been colored on your side
to fill in a large area of sky.
and I saw that.

I also saw the picture you made
and I thought it was beautiful
but I couldn't tell what kind of crayon
colored it
I just saw something beautiful
and thought

Wow. Crayons are cool.

we should use them more often.

make It beautiful, 

Everett Mills

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