Saturday, October 22, 2022

sat on the playground slide for an hour

I am always listening to the wind am always listening to the wind

It tells me about trees mostly
How long it takes to breeze through branches

Tells me about family mostly 
kids playing, frisbee hitting fence, dog chasing

I listen and I hear my thoughts 
Honey, she says, taste the honey and cheese and jam she whispers — peach jam—
and the olives and the fresh baked and
the picnic blanket 
hear this, 
she tells me it was there once.

I am always listening to the wind
she rambles
Breathes long low loud longingly
each tree a different note and when she reaches my face it is the most gentle and low of all
so fiercely gentle
she closes my eyes and drips them salty

God must have sent this wind
In a roundabout sort of way

I am listening to the wind and it drips honey into my heart 
And hugs me
--tired me--

I am listening to the butterfly’s flight 
busy patterns i

Listening to the birds
to the tremor of a tall shoots of grass getting shook whenever I hear those leaves blow against each other
An together we listen to the 

Listening to god

The days slip by 
Abundantly as rain
He breaks my heart. But without him I wouldn’t have a heart to break. 
and so I am always listening to the wind, him too
he in his plane, i on mine

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