I hear you ever time i sigh.
I think we are breathing together.
Can you hear me?
When I'm thinking about the truck bed, can you hear me?
when I'm feeling the roof tiles under my feet,
when I'm tasting the blackberries
when I'm running in the dark neighborhood around my apartment, tilted up at the stars and lifting my arms to fly
I see you but
Can you hear me?
I know you can.
are we thinking the same thoughts?
when I want to lean against you and study
when I'd like to hear you laugh
I wade through parallels to you.
(can you hear me breathe?)
Its midnight and I had a midterm today and one tomorrow and I'm not ready for my test but I'm ready to write to you.
I'd like you to be tangible. Anything about you could be tangible.
As it is I'll sleep soon when I finish my laundry and then I'll wake up soon when I finish my dreams and then I'll be in class soon and
it was nice to be in control of my life,
I guess I'd like that back again.
Time will tell. Might tell you, might tell me, she tends to whisper and I'd really like to hear but
now the world seems loud.
Today we did cartwheels in the grass
Everett Mills
Today we did cartwheels in the grass
and I remembered there's a moon.
Its like I jumped into a barrel of feeling:
I don't know which feeling, but I've got a new coat of paint
and I feel a little tripped up
like my skin is half dry and half stripy
and half camouflage
and a quarter sore from studying
and the other 80% is confused
this probably means I'm shifting into a new shape
or on my way to getting those big white wings.
I know what I shouldn't say.
a world with him is a better world.
- I M G R A T E F U L I S T I L L L I V E T H E R E -
Everett Mills
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