Thursday, December 18, 2014

hello world

I've counted and i have more posts in draft than I have published.
but here's to real talk and this is for all of us dreamers in Paris, I wish i spoke better french because I don't plan on leaving.

half of life is confidence, and if you really knew me you'd know
I'm a dreamer
I love summer but I'm becoming a ski bum
i think 10000 times more than what i say
I'm an obsessed pianist
when i play Clair de Lune on a grand its like I'm playing my dreams
and i crave that feeling
I wish i were slightly shorter
i like fruit and people
i'm scared of driving with my mom
i read too much
i'm slightly idealistic

thank you writers, you make Paris beautiful
my name is everett mills

I'm Anna Tasso


  1. holy guacamole girl. your blog is heaven. Ive always been a fan of everett mills.

  2. Nice to meet you Anna. Thanks for caring. You have always been part of Paris.

  3. You were a part of paris as much as us. Each light each building each step of paris is built from all of us. Paris has been great, and your blog is lovely.

  4. Hey Anna. I wish I was shorter too. Nice to meet you and your blog is amazing.

  5. Eggs... That was auto correct but I think your blog is beautiful and flip girl, I love that this is your blog more than you know ❤

  6. When you played the piano I felt like you were playing my dreams too!
    I hope that's not weird.....

    Awesome blog by the way, keep going

  7. Anna. This is real. You are real and I'm so glad I got to know you a little better through your writing. Thanks for your beautiful words.

  8. HOLY ANNA. you're my favvvv. such a talented writer. thanks for sharing.

  9. incredible. nice to meet you anna. you're spectacular.

  10. I seriously love your blog.

    Here's to you and real talk
