we are tough we are really tough women
we are somewhat idealistic, we
have our husbands, we are new to the Air Force, they are with us in holding flight and at least
Disillusionment stands up, walks toward me to shake my hand.
I don't take his hand yet, but I know it is there, an option,
a firm, very firm, I think, handshake.
husband gone, gone, gone
all the time alone, alone, with myself and my thoughts, with my kids, not alone
but not with him
so, enter Disillusion
not today, but I see you down the road, you will bring your hand back and I may shake it then
I don't want to, but I'm sure I will know you in moments, at least.
Disillusion, some of us fall into you and lose ourselves. Where do they go, when they lose their dream?
"I want to be with you all the time
all day, spend time with you,"
“I want to spend at least some time with you, some days,”
dad worked from home
but you will be gone, gone, gone
and I will be alone,